Shape the Future with Your Support

Shape the Future with Your Support image

Your donation opens doors to opportunity, equipping students with the skills to thrive in technology careers that can transform their futures. By investing in computer science education, you’re not just supporting students—you’re empowering families and strengthening communities for generations to come. Be the catalyst for change.

Want to learn more about our organization overall? Read our one-pager!

Are you a teacher that wants to integrate computer science curriculum into your lessons? Do you want standalone computer science curriculum items? We make all our resources FREE and host them on our website! Click through our Curriculum Library here!

Want some fun activities to engage your student or child with computer science? We've got STEM activities for K-5 and grades 6-8!

We love to connect with organizations across Virginia! We support non-profits, schools, school systems, and student organizations by supporting their efforts to incorporate computer science education in any way we can. Whether you'd like us to table at an event, speak about computer science in a conference, host a STEM Night with your students, or just want to learn more about us, you can contact us directly! Fill out a Connection Request and let's talk!